The game has changed,
Now, roll the dice...
Your new identity...
Is still been denied...
You, talk about Education?
You, talk about Human Rights?
We still live in society...
Where your existence is denied...
No matter your success...
No matter your talent...
You can't change the truth...
Which was left behind...
It's in the roots...
Of dominance, of privileged..
Your struggles, your fight...
Might lead to genocide...
Gender, Race or Caste
Let it be Religion or your Class
There will be a struggle for equity...
And the war of minds...
We are far from Enlightened India,
It can be formed with change in minds...
The fear, the greed, the jealousy
Can you really deny???
Only then,
You might eradicate...
The modern discrimination
By being rational with a conscious mind...
The cost of the game is high...
Nothing is more important than your life...
Stay strong, long live revolution...
Rise with pride, Rise with smiles...