What is your caste??
Why do you have it???
What is its importance???
What is the use of it???
We know it's rooted in the system...
Yet we feel proud of it...
We fail to understand...
It was politics then, and now too it is...
Formed as classification of professions...
Were cleverly politically divided...
Formed the religion with birth identities...
Were divided, were discriminated...
There had been no castes today...
If there had been no discrimination in manusmriti...
Law could have been equal then...
If there wasn't the urge of power or an urge of controlling...
The Constitution of India
Reformed those divisions...
To equalize the communities...
To eradicate the discrimination...
Based on the population and their financial capabilities...
Constitutionally caste is needed...
For the protection...for the upliftment of deprived...
Who faced discrimination for the centuries...
and once uplifted, the caste has no benefits...
If caste is limited to reservation and representations...
Why does everyone have it????
Why one is proud of it???
Isn't it just a useless identity????
Caste outside the limits of the constitution...
Is not just religious, but it's politics...
The game of divide and rule...
To break the united...
The pride is not of the caste...
But of its qualities...
Don't forget every caste is oppressive...
Rather it's a brahmin or a dalit...
Caste is nothing but a patriarchal hierarchy...
Caste is being misused...
Not by those who need...
But by those who are forward/uplifted and oppressive...
It is politically misused in the name of development...
To divide you on the basis of your faith, religion, and ideologies...
Ambedkar's movement of
Annihilation of caste...
Was not just limited to intercaste-culture...
Or disbelief in vedas, upnishadas...
He gave you the freedom of religion...
So you get out of the roots of it...
Your identity of caste is rooted in your name...
Read 'What path to Salvation?' by Ambedkar
To understand...
The need for change in name and religion...
Yet not forget...
Caste has infected the minorities...
Not just in India, but outside the country...
One cannot escape from the castes and the politics...
Unless one gets educated, agitates, and organizes...
Unless one learns to develop self...
and understands politics is for the development...
It is not a game of power or hierarchy...
Read history...
If you desire to get out of the caste...
If you truly want to eradicate it...
Bring change in yourself first...
Be politically aware and represent for collective good...
And refrain from caste politics...